"Daydreams and Night Visions" by Charles Henley

Title: Daydreams and Night Visions
Author: Charles Duane Henley
ISBN # 978-1466482685
Review Date: December 27, 2011
Reviewed by CBM Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

"Daydreams and Night Visions" is a unique collection of beautifully written Holy Spirit inspired prophetic poems, parables and revelations intertwined with author Charles Duane Henley's life testimony. In his book, the author leaves a legacy of eloquent and passion filled poetry that combines his own life experiences and the salvation, comfort and sweet mercies of the Lord Jesus Christ, his Savior. He openly confesses the sins, the trials and the experiences that led him away from Christ as a teen and gladly reveals an amazing journey that led him back into the arms of a loving Father in Heaven. Find encouragement, hope, comfort and faith through the pages of this book. The author's highest hope is that he may share the depth of the love Christ has for each one of us through his poetry and testimony.

As a child once on fire for the Lord, worldly temptations and lusts subtly led the author to a place of sin and addiction that he could never have imagined himself entrapped in. As the proverbial prodigal son, the author describes his amazing 4-day walk that led him back to Christ at a crucial point in his life. An amazing transformation took place on that day as, "The Lord raised me from the dead, " candidly states the author.

Anointed, filled with the Holy Ghost and on fire for the Lord, the author has captured his heart and visions from the Lord through prophetic poems and parables. Listing them in categories, he speaks of many to include his story of addiction, bondage to sin and the torment of his soul while trapped in these sins. The author describes the battle that had begun over his soul, while continuing to describe visions seen of the unseen realm behind the veil as the Lord revealed to him. Henley has also included revelation of the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation and of things to come, such as the rapture of the church. The author also shares the immense love of God through categories such as, "We're Not Alone" and "Wilderness Wanderings". As the author has openly shared, these writings and poems were written and inspired by the Holy Spirit. The author has put down on paper with his pen what the Holy Spirit laid upon his heart to write for the world to read and ponder in awe and faith.

This creative, awe-inspiring book will breath life into your soul as the beautiful poetry unfolds throughout the book. This work of creativity is a true gem, a magnificent work of the Lord, as it shares of Christ's saving grace and love throughout the book.

This book is a wonderful way to evangelize and share the love of Christ with others, especially loved ones walking far from Christ or those trapped in addiction or sin. Bringing hope, faith and encouragement, the words of this book will light a fire in the hearts of the readers for Christ and Him alone. "Daydreams and Night Visions" comes highly recommended - a magnificent and touching true life story of a man redeemed by Jesus Christ that will touch your heart and soul.

Daydreams and Night Visions By Charles Duane Henley

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Books Reviews by CBM Christian Book Reviews

From Sinking Sand - A Wake Up Call by Author Marsha Lenski

Title: From Sinking Sand
Author: Marsha Lenski
ISBN #: 1-591600-05-7
Review Date: December 1, 2011
Reviewed By: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

From Sinking Sand is an extraordinary book by Author Marsha Lenski testifying to her moral failure in the form of an adulterous affair. Marsha has been featured on "Life Today" with James and Betty Robison and CBN's 700 Club with her amazing testimony. Her story is a familiar one; at the time, she had no idea the ripple effect her adulterous affair would have in her life, nor that her moral failure would ever be discovered. What makes this book so extraordinary is that the author is brazenly honest and surprisingly transparent as she takes the reader back to her time of playing with the fire of adultery. Not only did she get burned in the process, being reduced to a pile of ashes, but her husband, her children, her close friends and family, extended friends and even acquaintances all learned that no one can play with fire and not get burned. Not only was her life forever changed, but also that of everyone she knew.

This book is a wake-up call to all who might consider adultery as some light thing. Not only is this book a warning, it provides substantial scriptural application that shows how not to 'build your house on sinking sand' while yet offering great hope. That hope is forgiveness and the absolute Truth of God's Word.

It has been Marsha's desire in writing this book to minister to those who are in or who are considering an adulterous relationship. It's a warning, a chance to turn away from those things which might cause you or your loved ones great harm. Marsha eloquently delves into her emotions and what happened to cause her to want to stray from her marriage. She did not set out to destroy anyone and thought she could get away with "her little game" as she puts it, without anyone ever finding out. Little did she know that the destruction that was planned for her was far beyond what she could have ever imagined and the price was so great that she lost everything she held dear. That was the enemy's plan for her life and those involved. That is always his plan. He comes to steal, kill and destroy.

A great understanding of the enemy's (Satan's) vices used against us as believers and non-believers will have been laid bare by reading this book. The enemy is looking to bring destruction and misery anyway he can and temptation is one of his devices. Far too many Americans have tasted the bittersweet, but devastating sting of adultery. The divorce rate in America is almost at 50% and unfortunately, Christians are no exception, as the author's memoir so vividly reveals. The author also reiterates the obvious truth of why God hates divorce; there is always destruction involved.

But there is hope, that hope is found in a loving Savior who died for our sins. The promise of that covenant is written in blood-His own blood for eternity. It doesn't matter how deep of a pit you might be in or what your condition might be, no sin is too great and it's never to late to turn to Jesus Christ as your Savior. This book lovingly testifies to the great love, mercy and grace of God and how, when you surrender your life to the Lord how He can turn your life around for the good.

Come and learn how to build your house on the Rock, so that when the storms of life come, your house will still be left standing!

From Sinking Sand by Author Marsha Lenski

Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Book Review by, Christian Book Reviews

My Sons Are Jewish - The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith written by Paula Clayman

My Sons Are Jewish
The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith
By Author Paula Clayman
ISBN# 978-0-7684-3906-9
Date Reviewed: October 12, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

My Sons Are Jewish - The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith written by Paula Clayman is one of the most comprehensive books on the subject. My Sons Are Jewish is a must-read for every Christian practicing the Judeo-Christian faith. Enlightening, unique and enriching this book will not only lay the foundation for the Christian faith, but gives insight and thorough understanding of the Jewish people and their prominence in history. With this book you will find an increased faith in God, a deeper appreciation for God and His love for the Jewish people. A profound appreciation for His chosen people is also keenly acquired through this informative book.

Author Paula Clayman invites the reader on a journey to discover, not only the Jewish roots of the Christian faith and answers the question of "Who is a Jew", but additionally, she delivers a noteworthy book by giving the reader God's plan of salvation to humanity through the Jewish people. Without the knowledge of the love of God towards the Jewish people and knowledge of the covenant given to Abraham and how all people of the world be blessed through that promise, recognition of who the Jewish people are would be severely lacking. Distinctive and impressive, this book is an absorbing and fascinating easy-read that gives a comprehensive history of the Jewish heritage and lineage. Without this heritage and lineage of the Jewish people, it would be easy to miss the love, dedication and reason to pray for Israel and why God's chosen people are at the very core of Christianity.

Rich with scripture and history, the author masterfully weaves the divine thread that connects Christian believers and Jews alike to the Messiah thereby establishing the Jewish lineage and heritage. The book begins first with a detailed biblical overview of God's plan of salvation to humanity through Adam. However, God's plan of salvation did not stop with the fall of Adam in the garden, but continued through to Noah, then through Abraham and on to Judah and then ultimately through David and the Davidic throne of David.

This book is paramount in understanding the role that the Jewish people play in God's plan of salvation. The author shares her vast knowledge of the subject of the Jewish lineage through many years of studying the scriptures, The Torah and many other books. She shares openly with the readers that her husband and sons are also Jewish which led her on this journey to discover their Jewish roots and hers as well, being a Christian.

This book is also a very powerful scriptural teaching that gives biblical insight into the truth of God's word, His love of His chosen people and how all people of the world are blessed through that Promise given to Abraham. A highly recommended must-read book for every Christian or Jewish person seeking a deeper relationship and walk with God.

My Sons Are Jewish - The Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith by Author Paula Clayman

Very Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

Botox Injections Used To Manage Spaticity and Tone For Patiens with MS

When you're dealing with symptoms like mine –- paralyzing spasticity, intention tremors, numbness and visual problems – spaticity or tone can become overwhelming, making movement and performing simple tasks terribly difficult if not impossable... and in some cases acutely imbarrssing. Consider the other day: I woke up at 6 a.m., taking care to adjust the firmness of my Sleep Number bed so that I would be able to sit up and slide out of bed. A soft mattress just means that as I attempt to sit up I will just fall backwards increasing the spasticity and tone in my legs rendering my legs useless. The tone and spasticity only becoming greater with each attempt to sit up, of course it's morning so I have to urinate and the more I flop around on the bed like a flounder the more urgent that need becomes. And, we all know that as the situation becomes more dire it becomes more stressful resulting in greater tone in my legs. From there, I managed to get into my motorized chair. (My power chair, grunt, grunt! Sounds masculine doesn't it? Well, hold on, because I'm about to be emasculate).

I shot into my beautifully-renovated handicapped-accessible bathroom. Utilizing a jungle gym of grab bars I managed to sit myself onto the toilet but my legs were locked tightly together in front of me, toes pointing at the ceiling, not exactly the position most conducive for a guy to empty his bladder. What to do, what to do? Not much time to consider that. We were down to the buzzer, as they say. I grabbed a towel and threw it on my lap. Ahhh... Sometimes a guy just has to do what he has to do. Spasticity sucks! Time for a shower.

Is there any relief beyond the frequently prescribed drugs life Baclofen and Zannaflex? Yes, there is... it's called Botox. Botox the same stuff injected by many to reduce wrinkles in one's face,, by temporarily paralyzing the facial muscles has been used successfully to reduce and in many cases eliminate spatisity and tone. I have been getting Botox injections in my thighs, calves and ankles every two or three months for the past year and I feel like a new man. Stressful situations still bring on the tone, but for the most part the tone is gone. My knees bend easily for simple entry and exhibiting to and from the passenger seat of the car. When I am sitting in my wheelchair my knees are bent and my feet are on the floor. Don't just take my word for it... read my friend Ami's testimony below...

Ami says, "O"Okay the botox shots have helped a ton! I don't feel my legs any weaker than before, but the spasticity has gone down a lot! I can bend my legs without having to pry them to bend, can straighten them and they'll relax and start bending in, my feet go flat,and my legs open a little! (hard to self cath when your legs are locked closed!) and I can sleep once again in my normal position! Although I end up back on my side. Should have had this done a LONG time ago!!"I have to agree with Ami... Why did I go years, before giving the Botox injections a shot? Pun intended, smile.

Be sure to visit Chris at his author's website Life Interrupted, It's Not All About Me.

Made In The Image of God - Understanding the Nature of God and Mankind in a Changing World

Title: Made in the Image of God
Author: Reid A. Ashbaucher
ISBN # 978-1-936076-78-9
Review Date: September 8, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

Author Reid A. Ashbaucher, states in his book Made in the Image of God, "…the purpose of this book-to help define and reveal, in a new light, the concept of a triune God and his image imbedded, by design, in mankind." (p.66) Thus this is the essence of this book, to understand God, his design and the nature of things. The author challenges the reader to dig deeper into the scriptures to find knowledge of Him who created mankind.

To know God is to seek Him, have faith in Him and who He is. To gain a deeper revelation and understanding of Him is to acquire knowledge with understanding of who He is and who we are as humans. This book offers just that. Come gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God, who God is as the Creator of the Universe and who we are as we relate to him in an ever changing world.

This book offers a wealth of information from a man that has studied the Word of God and holds many theological degrees. Based on nothing but the Holy Scriptures, this book offers at times technical scientific ways as to understanding who God is, His Nature and Personhood. How do we relate to God who is Spirit, whom we cannot see, but yet believe is the Creator of the Universe and the giver of life? This book answers many of those questions.

Join the author as he invites you to embark on a journey that gives undeniable scriptural evidence that God is the Creator of the Universe by design thereby vividly giving biblical evidence and support in opposition to any forms of evolution, atheism, Gnosticism, Pantheism and Humanism. Each chapter builds upon each other that will lead the reader into a deeper knowledge of God.

Shedding light throughout this book, the author, answers many questions you may have about Christianity and God. Such as the question of who Jesus Christ was and how He was God incarnate upon the earth, sent to die for all the sins of the world. Or perhaps, you are wondering how a human is a spirit, soul and body. This intriguing and scriptural study will leave an indelible imprint on your soul and cause a greater appreciation of who God is and cause a deeper love of Him to grow, being the giver of salvation and the lover of our souls.

A highly recommend study for the person engaging in any biblical study in theology or for anyone desiring a deeper understanding and knowledge of God, His Nature, The nature of mankind and how we relate to God physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Systematic, concise and well written, this book offers answers to your many questions that man has as to how we as humans, living in a physical world, can relate to a supernatural, ever present and all powerful God. And how by "design", we as humans are 'made in the image of God'.

Made in the Image of God by Reid A. Ashbaucher

Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

Christian Author Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka - No Innocent Affair - The Sin of Adultery

Title: No Innocent Affair
By: Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka
ISBN # 978 -1- 61777-768-4
Review Date: August 28, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

No Innocent Affair by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka takes a look at the plague of the 21st century and one of the main contributors to the destruction of the American family-the sin of Adultery. Being a lay minister and a man who has studied the Word for many years, the author, Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr., gives not his opinion, but gives the absolute truth of God's Word through an extensive categorical list of scripture therefore laying first a biblical foundation. Then by clearly stating first God's view and comparing it with Society's view, the author lays bare the truth about adultery and the devastating consequences of adultery, not only to the person who commits the sin, but to others we love in our life who are the innocent victims of this pervasive ripple effect sin that is so prevalent in our society.

Most do no realize the far-reaching consequences of the sin of adultery in their lives, nor the cost and the author makes no mistake that there is no such thing as 'an innocent affair'. This book is an eye opener for most and highly recommended for anyone either contemplating an adulterous affair or for those who may have been entangled in an adulterous affair. The author shows the way out with some of most practical teachings culminated from the infallible Word of God to bring others out of their sin and into the light of the Lord.

Openly, but lovingly, the author shares the unavoidable, yet dire consequences of adultery and reveals that not only does it affect our lives spiritually and physically, but the sin has a ripple effect that goes on to "… virtually every innocent person in our lives" (p.11). The consequences are so monumental, that no one in their right mind "armed" with the truth of God's Word would commit adultery, but sadly, the author concedes from a recent survey, "…that over 88 percent of Americans believe adultery is wrong. Yet 77 percent of marriages involve at least one adultery." This alarming fact in our society today is bringing many to the wide-path of destruction. Quite simply put, it is choosing death over life.

Edward Mrkvicka's true desire is two-fold, first for all those that may be contemplating adultery to know the absolute truth of God's Word and the dire consequences and for those that are in an adulterous affair or have been in the past that they would also realize the devastating consequences and that the truth would bring true repentance in their life. Lastly, Mrkvicka's desire is that all would receive eternal life in Jesus Christ. Again, the author does not give his opinion, but God's view and His Holy Word. This book offers no excuses, nor apologies, but gives the truth of the Word of God. This book is truly a blessing to the body of Christ and to all who read it.

This subject is not an easy subject to be discussed, nor is it very popular, but with so many on the path to destruction in our society it is a must read for anyone entangled in or contemplating adultery. This fascinating and well-written book exposes the truth and deception in the sin of adultery and brings forth light to the subject. Thankfully, the author ends that there is hope and states, "God can save us" (p.11). For there is one hope, and that one hope is the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ. Come, read, know the truth and be set free.

No Innocent Affair by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr. with Kelly Helen Mrkvicka

Highly Recommended

10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

The Treasures Of Darkness, A Novel With Characters That Will Move The Imagination

Born in Australia and raised in Spokane, WA U.S.A. Carol Lee Anderson and her husband served in the Bible translation ministry with Wycliff Bible Translators located in Papau New Guinea. Carol currently teaches at the Moody Bible Institute at the Spokane campus.

The Treasures of Darkness is a wonderful and delightful fiction novel filled with adventure, mystery and action yet contains powerful biblical truths. Based upon Psalm 107, this novel was written keeping the family in mind. By avoiding graphic violence and magic, the author instead presents "family friendly" conflict and includes miraculous intervention. Psalm 107 comes to life in this adventure story set in the ancient and mythical land of Bellacosa.

With characters that will move the imagination, Carol has masterfully woven the pages of The Treasures of Darkness together to captivate the soul.

Follow young Julen taken from her home as only an innocent child, only to be brought and sold into slavery with no hope of redemption, until she meets the mysterious One who is her deliverer, who has the power to break her bonds apart and set her high upon the rock and hidden from her enemies.

Cryptic messages, a mysterious diary, the mythical stranger, the powerful dragon god and the plot to overthrow the kingdom of Bellacosa are only but a few glimpses into this wonderful novel filled with mystery and imagination.

Be prepared to be fully engaged in this page-turner that will keep you coming back for more. A truly captivating story and novel about the power of redemption and triumphant rescue.

Like all of us we are treasures hidden in the darkness waiting for the One who can truly rescue us. Come, be filled with hope, encouragement and faith as this novel unfolds.

The Treasures Of Darkness
By Carol Lee Anderson

ISBN: 9781453882351

Press Release - Christian Author Joseph F. Hyskell's From Heaven to Heaven and Who's On Board

(A Christian Book Marketing Press Release)
Monday September 5, 2011

Author Joseph F. Hyskell has been a pastor, teacher and missionary for 52 years. He has been instrumental in the establishment of five churches, three medical clinics and two seminaries in the Philippines. He continues to teach and lead medical and preaching missions in the Philippines as well. Dr. Hyskell holds the Bachelor of Arts, Master of Divinity, Doctor of Ministry, Doctor of Missiology, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees.

He also wrote "Act I, Iron Curtain Going Up" about his imprisonment in Hungary and Romania and his involvement in smuggling Bibles behind the Iron Curtain for six years.

Dr. Joseph F. Hyskell's life-work and passion is to witness lives changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He continues to minister to the less fortunate, the sick, preaching the Gospel and continues to strengthen local pastors, church leaders and local congregations with the ministry of the Lord Jesus with encouragement and enthusiasm for the lost.

"From Heaven to Heaven" by Joseph F. Hyskell is a valuable chronicle or treatise on the virgin birth, life and ascension of Jesus Christ back to Heaven after His resurrection from the Cross. A detailed account, backed up by scripture, this start to finish read will quell any doubt within your soul about who Jesus Christ is-"…The Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world." (p. 8)

If you have ever doubted Christianity, wondered about the virgin birth, or pondered Heaven, this book is for you. Without a doubt, the Author Joseph F. Hyskell has revealed the scriptures in such a way that it is evident that the life and virgin birth of Jesus Christ is a reality that cannot be substituted for any other religious teaching. The birth, death and life of Jesus Christ is none other than from God Himself reconciling the sinful nature of man back to himself in a the most precious gift to mankind-Jesus Christ.

ISBN # 978-1-4357-6431-6

"Who's on Board?" by Dr. Joseph Hyskell Jr. is an inspiring and scripturally based bible study. The author discusses twelve checkpoints that help the reader to understand what it is to be a "born-again" believer. Filled with scripture application, Author Dr. Joseph Hysekll Jr., has carefully laid down a solid foundation built upon the Holy Scriptures. The twelve checkpoints then can be discussed in a small group setting or read individually. The author indicates that many profess to be a Christian, but their life does not demonstrate a life lead by the "indwelling" of the Holy Spirit. This book will identify the "born-again" believer and demonstrates the difference between knowing about God, and really knowing Christ in the power of His resurrection.

An exciting and short read, this book is an excellent ministering tool that can be used to bring others into the Kingdom of God. This study, as suggested by the author, is recommended for groups not bigger than ten to keep the teachings on a very personal level. Written with much wisdom from scripture and from a man that has over 52 years in ministry as a Pastor, teacher and missionary, Dr. Joseph Hyskell Jr.s' teaching has captured the essence of what it means to be "born-again."

ISBN #978-0-557-44627-8

From Heaven to Heaven and Who's On Board by Joseph F. Hyskell

A Christian Book Marketing Press Release


Revival, The True Fairy Tale

Title: Revival: The True Fairy Tale
Authors: Lydia and Kiya Thornton
ISBN # 978-1-4363-6020-3
Review Date: June 23, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars

Revival: The True Fairy Tale by Lydia and Kiya Thornton is a biblically and scripturally based Christian Fiction Adventure. A well written and intriguing allegory, this tale will take you on the journey of a lifetime as you join Nina, a young girl, and Kyle, a very young boy, as they experience magnificent wonders and phenomenon on Earth, in Heaven and in Hell. An eye-opener at the very least, get ready to set some time aside as each chapter is thoroughly engaging using creative imagery and impelling dialogue, intertwining an unforgettable expedition. You won’t believe your eyes with this book, as God’s Kingdom is revealed unveiling the difference of the spiritual and the physical realm we reside in. Notably, throughout the journey, sin is exposed and the reality of Heaven and Hell are also presented. Revival: The True Fairy Tale will leave an indelible imprint on your soul and give you a strong conviction of what sin is and who and why Jesus died on the cross for your sins.

This fascinating venture begins with Nina, a sweet, loveable little girl who gave her heart to Jesus as a very young girl. She loves Jesus with all her heart and is encountered by an old woman who gives her a very special trinket. The small trinket lays dormant in her Hope Chest, but one day, she decides to do what the old woman had told her to do.

She soon finds herself in a far away land, a fairy tale land. This is where young Kyle, a small boy, who she takes under her wing, and Nina set out on a trip full of breathtaking and inspiring experiences to unravel the mystery of what the old woman had spoken to her. Following many clues along their path, this tale intertwines the Holy Scriptures in such a way that is not only intriguing, but also convincing and convicting as well.

The authors, Lydia and Kiya Thornton have written this tale in such a way as to expose many of the lies of Satan, exposing sin and revealing the truth about God’s Holy Word. This book will not only educate a person about the Lord and His Holiness, but also about what the world accepts versus what is acceptable to the Lord.

Truly a creative masterpiece, this book will keep you coming back for more. This book is of very high quality and maintains integrity in scripture that is non-compromising. This book is a blessing to the Body of Christ and can be used as a ministering tool to those who don’t believe in God, Heaven or Hell. This book causes strong conviction of the heart and will cause many to re-evaluate their lives in retrospect to the scripture contained in this highly electric and raw adventure story.

Revival: The True Fairy Tale by Lydia and Kiya Thornton

Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by Christian Book Reviews

The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God by Author Brian D. Starr

Title: The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God
Author: Brian D. Starr
ISBN # 978-1463517977
Reviewed Date: June 27, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
9.8 stars out of 10.0 stars

This is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. It is filled with volumes of knowledge about such topics as Divinity, Papacy, Saints, Royalty, Lineage, Decedents, Ancestry, Doctrine, Scripture Leviticus Lines, The Five Generations of God, Priests, Prophets, Kings, Orders, Apostles, history and much, much more. Literally, there is no way to make mention of all the topics in this book review.

Author Brian D. Starr has chronicled some of history’s most historical times shedding light on many topics that the average Christian is not aware of. Truly a well written book that allows the reader to explore and understand, that which is not found in your local church’s teachings.

From The Mysteries of The Priest and The Knight, The Five Generations of God, The Times of The Crucifixion and Ministry of The Lord, The Times of King David, The Ancient Lines of Zeus, The Ancient Lines of God to The Apostles Guardianship, be prepared to be taken through the mysteries of the ages as you explore the pages on this book.

With various charts that chronicle genealogy coupled with the fact that the book is written in a simple format, the reader will find the subjects written easy to follow.

This read is highly educational, thought provoking and challenges the reader to dig deeper into what is written for more in depth studies.

The Priest, The Knight, Zeus And God by Author Brian D. Starr

Highly Educational, Thought Provoking, In Depth Studies
9.8 stars out of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by Christian Book Reviews

Do Angels Have Missions - Angel With A Mission by Author Donna Boddy

From Author Donna Boddy comes Angel With A Mission, a captivating and inspiring story of true love, tragedy, loss, and the restoration, forgiveness and redemption that is found in Christ.

Angel With A Mission by Author Donna Boddy
Christian Book Trailer Productions

Heaven, The Eternal Home

Rehearsing for Heaven
Mark B. Reed
ISBN# 978-1450597777
Date Reviewed: May 10, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 stars on a scale of 10 stars

Rehearsing for Heaven by Mark B. Reed is a fascinating, intriguing, informative and captivating read that will answer the important questions about eternal life and heaven. Author Mark B. Reed unravels the common lore surrounding heaven, enabling you to understand the purpose of creation, who you are, who God is and sheds light on the purpose of life here on this earth.

Through sound scriptural application, the mystery of heaven is revealed through clear and concise doctrine that answers crucial questions. Providing hope and inspiration for this life and the life hereafter, the author with his compelling scenarios and explanations will provide you with just some of the following:

A clear view of the majesty of heaven;
A deeper understanding and knowledge of the character of God;
A clear view of heaven’s values versus earthly temporal values;
The path to heaven;
Refocus your perspective about life here on earth;
Provide stability and hope for everyday life and a victorious future;
Reveal your destiny in God;
And much, much more.

“We choose to live for time or live for eternity”, states Reed (p. 108). I heard a pastor once say how sad it was that there were people on this earth just “existing.” Let this inspiring book bless you with the knowledge that life is not about just existing.

This book will re-focus your attention on preparing a life that is worthy of “heaven’s stage”, that is “unshakeable” and not perishable. Each one of us has a destiny that is predestined in God.

In this book, you will find that heaven is the ultimate goal of this life and that there is much more to living on this earth than just living. This book will help you realign your life according to heaven’s values. Life is the ”rehearsal for heaven”, come see why this is a true-to-life theme that cannot be overlooked.

This well written biblically based book will fill your heart with faith, increase your understanding and provide you with the life changing knowledge that will give you the tools to overcome life’s hurdles and find the victory that is yours through Christ.

Be prepared to take a journey filled with wise counsel that if received can be life changing and provide you with the keys to unlock life’s doors that will empower you to live a victorious, abundant life, while preparing you for eternity in heaven.

Rehearsing for Heaven by Mark B. Reed

Very Highly Recommended
10.0 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

God's Perfect Plan Of Salvation - The Path To Eternal Life

Title: The Path To Eternal Life
Author: Henry Miranda
ISBN: 978-1-60976-110-3
Review Date: March 09, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars

Have you ever wondered what am I doing here on this earth? What is my purpose in this life? Is there life after death? What does it mean to be born-again? If you want more meaning in your life, you have an invitation. You can choose to accept or not to accept. The choice is yours. Love, joy, peace and true meaning and purpose in life are available to all.

Author, Henry Miranda, in his book, “The Path to Eternal Life” invites and encourages you, the reader, to choose life and accept Jesus Christ today as your Lord and Savior. Time is of the essence and there is not a moment to spare for that decision. For none of us know what tomorrow shall bring. Enter into the reality of what it means to have your sins blotted out and have your name written in the Book of Life. Enter now through the narrow gate, Jesus Christ, the giver of Eternal Life.

Beginning with the straightforward question of the choice of Heaven and Hell, the author sets forth a candid dialogue on the life-altering question of life after death. Openly sharing his testimony, the author, discusses what led him to Christ and how Christ delivered him out of the domains of darkness. The author encourages you to know your true purpose in life and to find true life, that which can only be found in the one who can offer eternal life, Jesus Christ.

The author thoroughly describes the process of salvation, step by step and includes explanation in regards to what it means to be born again, what about the Holy Spirit, the journey, the spirit and the flesh, not to mention encouraging chapters such as perseverance and knowing your true purpose. The author fully describes what it means to walk in the light and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.

An awakening to those who question that there is really a God, the author takes a real look at the reality of sin and a life separated from God and what can happen to anyone not in Christ. This book is a prophetic call ‘for such a time as this’ that today is the day of salvation.

This is a powerful, well-written, riveting book and an urgent call to come to the one who can offer eternal life. Scripturally sound and based, this book will encourage anyone who is not in Christ to make a choice for Christ today and not put salvation off until tomorrow. Like a cold cup of water, this book offers refreshment for those who are weary. As water brings life to one’s body, so this book brings life to the soul by giving the truth of God’s Word. What an eye-opener and a powerful ministry tool!

This book comes highly recommended. It’s all I can do to not buy a box load and pass them out to my neighbors. This book will put you on fire for Christ, enrich your life in everyway; what an impact for eternity this book will make on anyone who reads it.

Highly Recommended
10.0 on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews

The Love, Grace. Mercy And Forgiveness Of The Cross

Title: Theology 101 In Bite-Size Pieces
Author: Judy Azar LeBlanc
ISBN: 978-1449707064
Date reviewed: January 5th, 2011
Reviewed by: Christian Book Reviews
9.2 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

“Theology 101 In Bite-Size Pieces” is sweet to the taste and food for the soul. Beautifully written, Award winning author Judy Azar LeBlanc explains both the simplicity and the depths of the riches of God’s Divine Grace through the application of the wisdom and life changing truth of the Word of God. The author speaks of and teaches of the basic, yet profound kingdom truths and principles of receiving and entering into God’s wonderful grace through the finished work of the Cross. The author also opens the doors to a much deeper knowledge and in-depth understanding of the graces and riches in Christ that are available to every believer.

Each chapter reveals the foundational truths of the divine riches available to those who accept the free gift of salvation with an in-depth revelation of what the finished work of the Cross provides.

Through careful research of the Greek and Hebrew root meaning, the author, unveils the true meaning of the reality of divine grace, foreknown, predestined, called, chosen, redemption, reconciliation, forgiveness, to be freed from the law, saved by grace and the importance of justification.

The author continues to reveal the profound importance and truths of divine inheritance and what it means to be a heavenly citizen, to be adopted, delivered from the powers of darkness, while displaying the true belonging and security there is to be found in Christ.

Like unwrapping a gift, this book, unravels the mystery of the word “theology” by the practical application of every day language. The author provides the reader with a deeper knowledge and appreciation for God, the character of God, His nature and just how profound His love is for us all.

Theology 101 In Bite-Size Pieces provides an excellent foundation for teaching, bible studies, encouraging others and as a personal look into the depths and truths of the wonderful grace of God.

This book is highly recommended not just as a excellent read, but also as a life changing teaching that can help put a reader on the path to a much more intimate understanding and relationship with God through the understanding and revelation of His Word.

Theology 101 In Bite Size Pieces by Judy Azar LeBlanc
Highly Recommended
9.2 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Christian Book Review’s

When All Seems Lost - Hang On It's Not Over Yet

Title: Hang On, It’s Not Over Yet
Author: Joseph Arhavbarien
ISBN 9781907294419
Review Date: January 12th, 2011
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
9.1 on a scale of 10.0 stars

Author Joseph Arhavbarien in his book, “Hang On, It’s Not Over Yet” writes in a concise and organized manner to show that in the face of great adversity one can move forward in life to realize their dreams and find victory.

The author sets a firm foundation upon which one can build, revealing a step by step path of finding success in life and how to overcome overwhelming circumstances, while exhorting the reader to have a definitive goal and not to give up, even in the face of great difficulties. The author continues to encourage all that a positive, believing attitude is of utmost importance while waiting for the unseen to be seen. The author reveals that all is not lost and that one must ‘hang on’ to their dreams while trusting and relying upon God Almighty to help bring them to pass.

The author teaches that trust and belief upon what God has spoken to you and upon what the Word of God says is also a key factor. This book continues to encourage the importance of searching out the scriptures and coming to the knowledge and wisdom of what God has to say about your life and your destiny, while teaching that all have a predestined destiny. This book will stretch your faith, stir your faith, strengthen your faith and help you to see your dreams come true.

Using his experiences, despite overwhelming circumstances, from his own life coupled with some notable historical figures, the author lays foundational principles that with faith in Christ through trust and perseverance, one can continue on to the road to victory. Despite situations, circumstances, age, gender, creed, culture or environment, this book will stir your faith that, “All things are possible with God and for those who believe”.

Not only a good read, this book is very uplifting and encouraging whereby it counsels one on the path of how to achieve great things in life and not only gain success in the temporal world we live in, but also keeping in mind the spiritual laws that also govern our world. As air is invisible to the naked eye, so to are the spiritual laws that God has set forth in this universe. The author encourages you to seek wisdom from God and therefore adhere to these spiritual laws.

“Hang On, It’s Not Over Yet” is a work of encouragement, not merely as words written, but from the application of life experiences of those finding victory in the face of great adversity and overwhelming obstacles.

This book will not only edify and encourage you to live your life to the fullest, but to also never give up on your dreams until you see them through to fruition.
A Must Read Book
Reviewed by: CBM Christian Book Reviews
9.1 on a scale of 10.0 stars

The Salvation Of Those Around The World And The Price Of Eternity Without Jesus

Title: The Price
Author: Leon Newton
ISBN # 978-1-936076-40-6
Review Date: January 14th, 2011
Reviewed by: Brenda of CBM
9.5 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars

“The Price” is one of the most unique books that I have ever read. The book is a well-written one-act play that includes the dialogue of a handful of everyday characters. The setting is hell. The cast is Satan himself, an arrogant millionaire and a few other individuals that you might even know. All have been sent to hell for their differing sins and therefore, paid “The Price” of admission so to speak. The dialogue between Satan, the Millionaire and the inhabitants of hell will keep you thoroughly entertained, but will also keep you on the edge of your seat, to say the very least.

Author Leon Newton, in his play, “The Price” displays a thought provoking dialogue between the characters, which not only reveals the love, compassion and mercy of God, therefore bringing others to Christ through salvation, but also encourages one to consider their own salvation and walk with God.

Shedding light upon the darkness of mankind’s heart, the author continues the dialogue between the characters that will touch the heart and life of a person who wants real answers to real questions. Is there really a God? Who is He? What is the purpose of salvation and the forgiveness of sins? What does it mean to ask for forgiveness? What is repentance? What is the grace of God? How can we really know there is a God? All these questions are so masterfully answered throughout the play. This book is a delight to read.

This book is also a very powerful ministry tool, bringing conviction upon the reader, thereby having the potential of bringing many to Christ. The book ingeniously takes a look at the world in which we live in and the sins that so easily entangle us. Based upon a sound scriptural backdrop, God’s mercy, grace and love shine through and give glory to God while revealing the vital importance of a close walk with God and the grave consequences for not accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The book explains throughout the dialogue, why there is a need for salvation and the forgiveness of sins and is crucial to all walks of life.

This work is a must read and a must share book. The play is perfect for youth groups and churches to perform. I encourage you to pick up a copy and read it for yourself. It will leave an indelible imprint on your soul and make you realize what exactly Christ has done by His finished work on the cross. May the salvation of God and the love of God never be taken for granted.

The Price belongs on the shelves of every bookstore, in churches everywhere and within the home of every believer seeking to share the love and redeeming passion of Christ with others.

The Price By Leon Newton

Highly Recommended
9.5 stars on a scale of 10.0 stars
Reviewed by: Brenda of CBM Book Reviews